Unburdening the Soul: Letting Go of What Holds You Back

In the quest for personal growth and self-discovery, one of the most transformative journeys you can embark on is becoming aware of your soul’s fears and working on letting them go. It’s about shedding the weight of this baggage, releasing limitations, and finding spiritual freedom. To achieve this, we must understand the constraints that hold us back.

Manifestation – The Winds of Change – Part I

The winds of change are sweeping across the planet, demanding that we reevaluate our relationship with the Earth. In this pivotal moment, we have the opportunity to harness the power of manifestation through rituals and ceremonies. By doing so, we can create a future that is in harmony with nature, one where we ride the wave of change with grace and resilience. The time to act is now, for the winds of change wait for no one.

Your Connection to a Spirit Animal

Every person has a connection to a unique animal’s energy. The specific animal associated with you may vary depending on various situations, such as your cultural background or the tradition of the diviner involved. However, despite the differences in animal representation, the fundamental energy and essence they embody remain consistent.

Let’s Wish Mami Diana Essel a Happy Birthday!

As we celebrate Mami Diana Essel, we honor her selflessness, love, and the profound impact she has made on the lives of so many. Her legacy reminds us of the power of love, family, and a sacred mother figure’s profound role in shaping others’ lives. Mami Diana’s nurturing spirit, strength, and wisdom inspire all who are blessed to know her. This month, we celebrate this incredible woman who she is and the love she continues to share with the world.

The Power of Manifestation: Embracing the Gift of Asking for Nothing in Return.

Selfless gratitude to the spirit realm is acknowledging and appreciating the blessings, kindness, and support they have given us. It goes beyond mere reciprocity or spiritual etiquette; it is a heartfelt expression of genuine appreciation that comes from pure sincerity. When we give thanks without desire for personal gain, we tap into a wellspring of love, compassion, and generosity.

Supporting an Elders Journey

When an elder dies in the family, a new elder must be initiated to take up the mantle. In the Somé compound, Didier Somé, one of Malidoma’s younger brothers, is undertaking the elder initiation process in his community.